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Design system

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How to contact us!

Support channels

  • Slack channel (#wpds)
  • GitHub issues


So you have an idea? Great, we love to hear it! Our design system aims to listen to all of the needs and ideas of our community of adopters. The team will work together with you to determine the result of the idea submitted. If you are interested in contributing a component, read more about our process.

Using our slack workflow

  1. Head over to our #WPDS slack channel where you will kick off your idea!
  2. In the channel, type /change or /request, and you will see the option to submit an Idea to DS
  3. Now, a form will open up with some questions. Please be as detailed as possible to the best of your knowledge.
  4. Hooray! You submitted an idea. The WPDS team will be notified, and now it is open for public discussion across many teams that use WPDS. The team will generate a ticket and prepare it for the next steps of our workflow.

Not at the Washington Post?

Contact us at