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Design system

Supported platforms

More about the platforms the WPDS UI Kit supports


We support the following browsers (up to the latest 2 stable versions):

  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

Server environments

We support Node.js 18 and 16


We are plan to support React 18 this year.

  • 16
  • 17

React frameworks

We are open to adding more React frameworks here. Contact us through our support channels.

  • Next.js 9.3.3
  • Next.js 10+
  • Next.js 11+
  • Next.js 12+

We will be supporting Next.js 13 (Page Router) this year.


Ui Kit requires a minimum version of TypeScript 3.8. This aims to match the policy of DefinitelyTyped, with the support of the versions of TypeScript that are less than two years old.